A Weight Loss Plan That Will Help You to Lose Weight and Avoid Type II Diabetes!

  Prior to 1945, the European Medical community was well attuned to the fact that obesity was directly linked to the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar. They also knew that long-term fat loss was only achievable when a weight loss plan removed or severely restricted these foods from the diet. Proteins and dietary fat had little or nothing to do with increasing an individual's quantity of body fat.

  By the 1970's the American medical establishment had convinced the world that obesity was caused by the daily consumption of too many calories and a lack of a sufficient amount of exercise relative to the quantity of calories consumed. The central theme to losing weight became a weight loss plan that reduced total daily calories combined with increased levels of exercise. The idea of calories consumed (overeating) and calories expended (physical activity) rarely resulted in long-term maintenance of a healthy body mass index (BMI..ratio of body fat to lean body mass). Studies found that many obese people consumed no more total calories on a daily basis than people with much lower amounts of body fat. This and other red flags challenged researchers to question the concept of a calorie focused weight loss plan.

  The attention of researchers turned to a closer study of the physiology and biochemistry of fat regulation and storage. While there are a number of hormones that are involved in metabolism and fat regulation, none played a more vital role in fat generation and deposition than insulin. In its key role of escorting glucose from the blood into the cells of the body where it is used to produce energy, insulin also had a major role in regulating the conversion of glucose into fatty acids which are then converted into triglycerides, the storage form of fat.

  It was the understanding of this mechanism that helped researchers to conclude that when insulin levels in the blood are high, more fat accumulates in subcutaneous tissues and the fat cells that surround organs particularly in the abdominal cavity. Carbohydrates and sugar were found to be the triggers that created sharp and significant increases in the amount of insulin released into the blood. There were certain carbohydrates that caused sharp spikes in insulin release while other types of carbohydrates caused a slow release of reduced amounts of insulin.

  High levels of insulin clearly caused fat to be generated and stored in fat cells. The slower reduced release of insulin resulted in less fat being generated and stored. The carbohydrate type foods that elicited this type of insulin response are known as complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are whole, unprocessed vegetables, fruits, and grains that still contain fiber, the part of plant based carbohydrates that humans cannot digest. Fiber plays a key role in mediating the release of insulin as well as the absorption of carbohydrates and other compounds.

  Refined / processed carbohydrates and sugar are rapidly broken down into glucose resulting in a strong insulin response. A rough guide called the Glycemic Index was created to provide a measure of the effect that certain carbohydrate have related to the insulin response and blood sugar levels. Foods with a glycemic index below 50 caused a low insulin response while those above 50 were identified as being strong triggers for the release of insulin. It is this latter group of carbohydrates that should be avoided in any weight loss plan.

  As an example, foods with a high glycemic index that should be avoided or limited in any weight loss plan include:

White Potatoes 57
White Rice 58
Most Cereal Grains 55-83
Most Breads 57-95
Pizza 60
ice Cream 61
White Pasta 64
Corn Chips 74
Dates 103
Raisins 64

  Because high glycemic carbohydrates create a strong insulin response, consuming these types of foods on a regular basis over time has been correlated with the development of insulin resistance which ultimately leads to the onset of type II diabetes. Since insulin is less effective in escorting glucose into the cells where it is used to produce energy, the body automatically converts the glucose into fat in order to clear it from the blood stream. Insulin resistance has been identified as one of the major causes of obesity as the signal is sent to the body to create more fat cells from fat stem cells.....existing fat cells bulge with fat, new fat cells are being created at the same time due to the body's insensitivity to insulin.

  Studies have shown that N-3 fatty acid fish oils inhibit stem cells from forming new fat cells. These fish oils potentially reduce fat storage.

  For a weight loss plan to be effective, high glycemic index carbohydrates and sugar should be avoided in the daily diet. Replacing refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates will eliminate the sharp and significant spikes in insulin which will slow down or stop the generation and storage of fat. When this occurs, fat burning hormones are triggered into action prompting the body to naturally burn fat. Successful weight loss and long-term weight management must focus on keeping insulin levels within a range that does not promote fat generation and storage. By doing this, the potential for developing insulin resistance and type II diabetes is greatly diminished, if not eliminated.

  Hi, my name is R. F. McCarthy, an effective weight loss plan [http://burnthefatforweightloss.com] is about learning to establish the habit of eating healthy whole foods on a daily basis. Reducing / eliminating refined carbohydrates and sugar in your daily diet is key to successful long term weight management and avoidance of chronic health conditions.

A total knee replacement and a diagnosis of being a borderline diabetic caused me to make a more serious commitment related to long-term personal weight management.

  If you have been struggling with a weight issue and you are not happy with the results that you have thus far achieved click here [http://burnthefatforweightloss.com] to learn more about how to lose weight naturally and how to keep it off forever.

  Wishing you All the Best in Health, Happiness, and your Weight Loss endeavors.