How's Your Weight Loss Resolution Coming Along?

 For many, establishing a new year's resolution was the perfect opportunity to get started working towards achieving the goal of losing weight and getting into shape. If you were one of those individuals who made such a resolution, how has it been going so far now that we are exactly one month into 2013?

  Have you been exercising 3-5 times per week? Have you started to eat more fruits and vegetables everyday? Kept away from fast food restaurants? No late night snacking or munching while watching movies? Been staying away from soda and beer?

  If you answer no to any of those questions, then it may be time to re-energize your weight loss efforts to help get back on track to accomplish your overall goal. It doesn't matter if your
commitment may have only lasted two weeks. That's in the past, old news. Time to look at the present and start focusing on what you will start doing now and in the future.

  In case you went into the weight loss process without a definite plan, there are a couple things you may have overlooked. But on the bright side, when you find out exactly what lead you astray and work on those certain aspects that gave you the most trouble, then on this next attempt you will be better prepared and in turn, be more successful.

 Take Control of Your Kitchen

  The kitchen is the heart and soul of the home, and the start of any healthy meal. In order to be effective with your weight loss efforts, you need to have total control of every thing that is found in your kitchen. Think of it this way, even if you were to cook the perfect healthy meal, but then an hour later start munching on a bag of potato chips and drink a large glass of soda, you just nullified that wonderful meal you were so proud of.
That's why it is so important that you take a moment to really dive into your kitchen to see what is lurking in the refrigerator, cupboards, and pantries. Get rid of all the temptations that may throw a wrench into your plan to lose weight and become healthy.

  The next time you go to the supermarket to buy groceries, make sure snacks and items that are not conducive to a healthy life get into your shopping cart. There's no need for potato chips, ice cream, soda, candy, donuts, cupcakes, crackers, chips, etc. If these types of things make it into your shopping cart, they are going to find their way into your kitchen and eventually into your body.

   Snacks are important to eat on regular basis to keep your body from going into hunger mode and to keep your metabolism going, but you need to have healthy snacks. You might be surprised at how filling a simple apple followed by 20 ounces of water can be. Or a granola bar along with water. Try and get in the habit of always drinking water with your healthy snack and you will soon forget about all those other detrimental snacks you used to eat.

 Find the Time To Exercise

   It's so important to find time to workout and exercise at least two times a week when starting out - as long as your doctor has given you the OK to do so. Find an activity you truly enjoy doing and determine how and when it's best to include in your weekly routine.

   Maybe you used to play tennis when you were younger. You could possibly take classes or lessons to start up the sport again, at a nice, slow pace since you don't want to overexert yourself especially when beginning.

  Maybe you've always wanted to learn how to rollerblade, play soccer, basketball, surf, kayak, etc.. This is the perfect opportunity to take the first step to actually start doing what you've always wanted to do. Since you are in the process of losing weight and developing a more healthy life, one of the most important things you must do aside from eating healthier food is to get some form of regular exercise. In other words, you have actually earned the right to learn a new activity or sport due to your commitment to lose weight so go for it.

  Just be sure to get proper instruction from someone who is qualified to teach the sport/activity so that you learn correct technique. Remember, you want the activity to become part of your life, not just be a one or two month fling.


   The point of all this is regardless if you have not been successful with your weight loss resolution, it's never too late to jump back on the weight loss train. Desire and effort are key factors in determining your success so decide if this is something you truly want to achieve. If so, then go forward with a specific plan of attack on how you will accomplish the goal of losing weight and getting into the shape you desire and you will make it happen.

  Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. Find the latest information to start getting into shape at