What Is Hoodia? How Does It Help Me Lose Weight?

  You have seen it on TV and advertised just about everywhere. Hoodia is the new diet craze that seems to be sweeping the country. But little seems to be known about this plant and how exactly it works to enable weight loss.
So what is Hoodia ?

  Hoodia is a plant that grows in South Africa. While there are several different types of Hoodia, only Hoodia gordonii is the type that seems to be the miracle dietary supplement that aids with weight loss.

  Hoodia has been a part of South Africa's Bushmen for thousands and thousands of years. Seeing as they would often go out on long trips that involved hunting and gathering, they would chew on Hoodia plants the help give them energy, suppress their appetite, and also decrease their thirst.

  Often, Hoodia is referred to as a cactus like plant, but its appearance can be deceiving. While it looks like a cactus, it has purple flower blooms. The taste of Hoodia is said to be very bitter. And while there hasn't been much in the way of testing and research to show the effectiveness of Hoodia, one study which occurred to test what these Bushmen were eating and the toxic effects that the things they were eating might have, showed that in animals who were fed Hoodia had a decreased appetite and led to weight loss in the animal. This was an accidental study which showed the benefits of taking this.

  How Hoodia works.

  Hoodia appears to help people curb their appetite. While taking Hoodia, you are going to feel fuller, faster. Of course, when you are eating less, you are consuming fewer calories. When you begin to consume fewer calories, you will start to lose weight.

  The Hoodia tricks your brain into thinking that you are full. The reasoning behind this is a molecule that is found in Hoodia called P57. The name came from the company who tested Hoodia and its effects on the body and brain. It was the 57th compound that was tested, so hence the name, P57.

  The P57 molecule seems to trick the brain into thinking that it is glucose, by mimicking the different actions that glucose has when it comes to interaction with the brain. For most people, when you eat, you hit a point where you become full. The P57 molecule tricks the brain into thinking that your body is full by triggering the same receptor sites as glucose does.

  In essence, this leads to less eating and more weight loss.

The author runs a nutrition company selling Hoodia. To learn more about the befefits of Hoodia today visit http://www.GojiBerries.us

  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kirk_Bachelder