Which Is Better For Weight Loss? Proactol Or Acai Berry?

There are so many weight loss supplements on the market right now, all claiming to be 100% natural, effective, and to provide something special and unique. While this may be true (it is hard to say that it's not, with so many product names to dispute), it is crucial to look at different types to try to differentiate the good from the bad.

When comparing products, you should always go with the most popular, those products that it is likely everyone has heard of at some tie or another. For this comparison I have chosen the weight loss drug Proactol, versus the Acai Berry phenomenon.
First, we have Proactol. This is a product that has been developed to offer a completely natural way to increase weight loss. It's main active ingredient is Optunia ficus-indica, which is a substance drawn from a cactus. It's function is mainly aimed at reducing appetite, food cravings, and portions by tricking your body into believing it is full. This is a method similar to that used by hoodia gordonii, though there is no relation to that plant.

In addition to those benefits, Proactol also offering others, such as the ability to lower high cholesterol, 'bind' fat, so that it cannot build up in the system and cause weight gain, and increase flexibility and joint health. It has also have four successful clinical trials, which is a huge bonus, as most products never offer proof of any.
Second, we have Acai Berries. Like Proactol, these are also a natural substance, although it is not a drug, rather an ingredient often put into various weight loss products. It has been scientifically proven to aid in weight loss, as well as in the lowering of cholesterol and blood pressure, improved heart health, and the prevention of certain types of cancer.

Basically, Acai Berries work by combining the effects of various vitamins (including A, E, and C), antioxidants like those found in green tea, and different acids together to form a potent, naturally occurring weight loss product. It does not affect the appetite, but it increases fat and calorie burning, improves the metabolism, boosts energy, and reduces the signs of aging in the skin. Much of this is attributed to the antioxidants.

Obviously, basing a decision on the function of these products alone is not an easy thing to do. Both have been proven to aid in weight loss, and both using different methods to achieve results. So, how do we know which is the better supplement? To really get to the bottom of this, we need to look at the safety and side effects aspect of weight loss supplements.

Now, Proactol does not list any actual side effects from their clinical trials. This seems a little hard to believe, and normally I would be inclined to think it's a scam. However, I have not been able to find any actual evidence supporting that idea, and plenty supporting a total lack of side effects, which leads me to believe it is an honest (and surprising!) claim.

Acai Berries are a different matter altogether. In this case, it isn't so much a risk of serious side effects (although there are some), as it is a matter of contradictory information that totally disproves the claims of health benefits. For instance, the claim that Acai Berries prevent cancer is at direct odds with scientific studies done at various universities and research labs, which show an increase in cancer development for 6% of those tested.

There are also some studies that suggest there are no anti-aging properties found in the use of Acai Berries, which isn't surprising. There are a number of so called 'miracle products' that promise to deliver on better skin, less wrinkles, and a healthier tone, but they rarely do so. Really, healthy skin is about maintenance and genetics, not an exotic berry.

In the end it's hard to say which is actually better, for sure. But Proactol does seem to come on top when you look at the clinical studies and lack of side effects, and so if I were pressed, I would be inclined to suggest Proactol for a better chance at weight loss.

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