Women Bodybuilders Diet - The Key to a Lean Healthy Womanly Form

Young or old, there's no limit to what the modern woman can do when she sets her mind to it - whether it's getting to the top in her profession of choice or undergoing women bodybuilders diet plans. Women nowadays are much more enlightened on the idea of self-betterment and a holistic personal development, which is why more and more females seem to be entering training programs aimed at building their bodies into leaner, fitter examples of the healthy, urban female.

Why the Need for a Diet?

In order for any woman to successfully build muscle mass, you have to understand that it takes a combination of a healthy women bodybuilders diet and training sessions. You can't expect to suddenly get sculpted abs and well-defined arms and legs by exercising alone, or simply eating right. Women have much less testosterone than men, the hormone that builds muscles, which is why a good diet is important in order for a female to achieve the best results.

In addition, once you start training, your body needs constant nutrition for it to cope with muscle growth, renew the energy that you lose in your activities and encourage faster metabolism. If you don't eat right and insist on gorging yourself on candy bars and instant mac and cheese, you'll not only end up all frustrated about why you're not building any muscle, you're likely to get a bit chubbier too.

What Should Be in a Diet?

Because of the many diet fads out there aimed at helping women slim down, "diet" has become associated with starving yourself and avoiding practically everything on the food pyramid. But for a women bodybuilders diet, it's the exact opposite. Since your goal is to bulk up and not trim down, the requirements are a lot different. It means more meals at more frequent intervals that contain higher levels of protein, carbohydrates, and a lot of water.

The average woman eats around .25 - .5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. The female bodybuilder should take in from 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per body weight daily, which is something like 40% of each meal. Excellent sources of protein are pork tenderloin, eggs, tuna, skinless chicken breast, rib-eye steaks, lean ground beef, fish and shrimp, and low-fat dairy foods like ricotta or cottage cheese and plain yogurt. Carbohydrates and healthy fats are necessary to maintain a balanced women bodybuilders diet, so whole grains, vegetables, fruits, unsaturated and natural oils like olive or sunflower oils will aid in hormone production, vitamin absorption and will keep your skin and hair in good condition.

Constant water intake is a must in bodybuilding as well. Being hydrated helps replenish lost energy, repairs muscles better, keeps you full so you don't always crave for sweet and salty foods, helps your body keep up with muscle growth and flushes out toxins efficiently.

Finally, to get the most out of the bodybuilding experience, try to find a good fitness program that will assist you in getting your ideal body weight and shape. These professionals will be able to give you tips on your women bodybuilders diet and can monitor your progress so that you stay disciplined and focused on your goals!

Linda S Barker takes pride in all the women she has helped achieved their dream physique by giving them a firm foundation of what is required in the workout programs, their diet and their mentality. Her mission is to bring fresh and upto date information about how all the things one needs to get them closer to the results they want to achieve.

Visit her site, howtobuildmuscleforwomen.org for more information on products which are currently absolutely the best ones in the market today.

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