Diabetes - Depression Are Only Two Problems

  Diabetes and depression are two major reasons to stop drinking artificial sweeteners!
Another study confirms what people have been saying for years: Stop drinking diet soda. Like, right now. Avoid diabetes and depression and other related health risks!
According to French researchers, drinking just one 12-ounce can of an artificially sweetened fizzy drink per week can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes by 33 percent. Most people don't stop at one serving a week, your real risk for diabetes could actually be much higher.

Diet Soda May Also Increase Risk of Depression

   The study conducted by France's National Institute of Health and Medical Research, was announced Thursday, February 7, 2013 and will be published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Diet Soda Making You Fat

  The results were unexpected. We already know that people who consume a lot of sugar are more likely to develop diabetes, the researchers found that participants who drank "light" or "diet" soft drinks had a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than those who drank regular, sugar-filled sodas.

  Those who drank 100 percent natural squeezed fruit juices instead had no additional risk.

  Women who choose artificially flavored soft drinks usually drink twice as many of them as women who choose regular soda. Women who drank up to 12 ounces of artificially sweetened beverages per week were 33 percent more likely to develop the disease, and women who drank about 20 ounces per week had a 66 percent increase in risk.

 Drinking sweetened beverages increases the risk of becoming overweight, which is itself a risk factor in developing diabetes. But the study didn't find that the results were the same even among overweight women.
So do artificially sweetened drinks make the problem worse if they're fat- and calorie-free?

"With respect, in particular, to 'light' or 'diet' drinks, the relationship with diabetes can be explained partially by a greater craving for sugar in general by female consumers of this type of soft drink," the researchers said.
Aspartame, one of the main artificial sweeteners used today, causes an increase in glycaemia and results in a rise in the insulin level in comparison to that produced by sucrose.

  Translation: Drinking artificially sweetened drinks makes you crave other sweet things! Your body reacts to aspartame (also known as NutraSweet and Equal) in the same way it reacts to plain old sugar.

  The American Diabetes Association say that, about 25.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes-about 8.3 percent of the population.

  The disease is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in people age 20 and older, and can also cause heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and damage to the nervous system.

  Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise rather than a daily insulin injection.

  Diabetes is bad enough, but drinking a sweetener that can cause you to suffer depression too?

  Steve is a Naturopath, researcher, author and health consultant. Discover other helpful information about herbs, vitamins, drug interactions, parasites and much more at:

   Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_A_Berchtold