Foods Allowed on the Sonoma Diet

  The Sonoma diet is based on the assumption that people should eat the right types of products and in the right amounts. Dieters should avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and contain added sugar and white flour. The diet was created by Connie Guttersen and incorporates 10 power foods. Dieters can eat whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, tomatoes, and spinach. Bell peppers, broccoli, and almonds are also power foods. You can have fruits such as grapes, strawberries, and blueberries. Extra virgin olive oil provides antioxidants, supports the blood vessels, and protects the body against inflammation. It contains minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium, folate, and vitamin K. Blueberries have low GI and contain large amounts of vitamin K, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and manganese. They are rich in phytonutrients such as anthocyanins and flavonols. Blueberries offer anti-cancer, cardiovascular, cognitive, and other health benefits.

  Grapes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and important minerals. They contain vitamin C, B, A, and E, as well as phyto-nutrients. You can consume blueberries in the form of juices, salads, and fresh. Strawberries have 8 percent fat and 7 percent protein. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and folate and contain no trans fats or saturated fat. Tomatoes contain large amounts of antioxidants, 12 percent protein, and 9 percent fat. Tomatoes are an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals. They are packed with vitamins (D, C, A, K, and E), as well as thiamin, betaine, and pantothenic acid.

  You should avoid fruits during phase 1, despite the fact that strawberries, grapes, and blueberries are power foods. During phase 1, dieters can have two servings of fruit. The list of recommended fruits includes jujube, jackfruit, nectarine, banana, and mango, among others. You can consume all low-carb vegetables during the first phase. The only exceptions are chili peppers, pea pods, and artichoke.

  The diet includes nutrient-rich, healthy foods that boost metabolism and reduce the risk for chronic conditions such as cancer. Such foods include wild and brown rice, cereal, and whole wheat bread. Dieters can eat exotic vegetables and fruits during the second phase. Processed and refined foods and products with hydrogenated fats should be avoided. The first phase or wave emphasizes portion control and moderation, which makes it more restrictive.

  Dieters can have meat, soy, and eggs, but the consumption of products with saturated fat should be limited. Extra breading is not recommended. Dieters can have poultry, pork, and cuts of beef. Generally, dieters are allowed to consume lean protein, including egg whites, eggs, soy foods, and seafood. You can have white meat such as turkey and chicken, Cornish hen, and turkey bacon. You can also eat Club Steak, Hotel-Style Steak, or Kansas City Steak. The list of allowed meats is the same on the Sonoma and South Beach diet.

I write on many health topics including low carbohydrate foods.