Types of Low Carb Diets

   Low carb diets limit carbohydrates such as starchy vegetables and grains and emphasize fat and dietary protein. There are many low carbohydrate diets, each with restrictions on the amount and types of carbohydrates dieters can consume.

  Low carb diets are intended for people who are overweight or obese. The body mass index measures the percentage of body fat and is a good guide to healthy weight. People with a BMA between 25 and 30 are overweight, and those with a body mass index over 40 are severely obese. Low carbohydrate diets help such people lose and maintain healthy weight.

  That said, there are different low carb diets to choose from, such as the low GI diet, South Beach diet, Atkins Diet, Zone Diet, and Palaeolithic Diet. The Caveman Diet, Stone Age Diet, or Palaeolithic Diet bans sugar, dairy products, grains, and other carb-rich foods. Paleolithic dieters can eat eggs, meat, vegetables, and other low-carb foods. The list of approved foods includes fruits, nuts and seeds, and oils. While nutritionists vary on the types of recommended oils, many agree that it is OK to use oils from allowed plants. Flax seed oil, nut oils, and olive oil are universally endorsed. Some authors recommend fish oil supplements as well. Seeds and nuts are allowed, but legumes and peanuts should be avoided. Cashews are not allowed because they cannot be eaten raw. Juices are allowed in limited quantities, and dieters should avoid fruits that are high in sugar.

  The South Beach Diet is another low carb diet which is split into 3 phases. The first phase aims to stop cravings for starchy foods and sugar. Phase 2 reintroduces legumes, fruits, and other healthy carbohydrates and promotes significant weight loss. The third phase is more liberal and lasts for life. Approved foods include meats, eggs, soy, and other protein sources that are low in carbohydrates and sugar. The list of allowed foods also includes vegetables such as bamboo shoots, hearty greens, sprouts, and celery. Dieters should avoid starchy vegetables when reducing carbohydrates. Starchy vegetables are winter squashes, carrots, peas, and beets. Certain sources of oils and fats are encouraged on South Beach. Dieters can eat nuts and other products that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Other oils on the list of allowed foods include walnut oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, and canola oil. Acceptable sources of oil are soy-based mayonnaise, regular mayonnaise, and nuts and seeds.

 I write on many health topics including low carbohydrate foods. http://www.lowcarbfoods.org/low+carb+diets/