Pointers In Preparing A 3 Day Survival Kit

By Lucia Weeks

Disasters can happen at any time and at any place. These tragedies may include floods, typhoons, tsunamis, fires, and others. Most of the times, these events can claim the lives of a lot of people and also damage a lot of properties. Even if there are instruments that can detect the possibility of certain tragedies, people should prepare themselves at all times.

National and local governments typically disseminate information on what people should do before, during, and after these calamities. One of them would be to prepare a 3 day survival kit. Individuals should make sure that the following things are present in their kits.

Bags where their necessities will be placed will have to be bought by the individuals. They need to ensure that durable bags will be bought. This way, all necessities will remain in these containers and also not fall off. Those which are water proof might also have to be bought so that their belongings will not be wet if ever floods or heavy rains will occur.

Usually, clean water might not be provided by evacuation centers. For this matter, clean water will have to be brought so that their thirsts will be quenched while they stay inside these evacuation centers. One gallon a day per person should be brought. Non perishable food should also be stored such as canned goods or noodles. For the former, can openers should also be brought so that these goods can be eaten.

The persons should bring their cellphones with them so that they can communicate with government authorities or other people regarding the situations. They also have to keep extra batteries and chargers so that they could still utilize their cellphones. Aside from that, they also need to have transistor radios so that they will know important announcements or events. They should also have flashlights to illuminate their ways during night time.

Copies of personal documents should also be possessed. The documents can include birth and marriage certificates, passports, insurance policies, and identification cards, among others. They will aid government agencies to have these people be identified and provided with any assistance that is needed by them.

Even if disasters happen, cleanliness should still be observed by them so that illnesses can be avoided, especially during floods and typhoons. Items for hygiene and sanitation should be carried, such as toothbrushes, alcohol, and wet wipes, among others. Extra clothes should also be carried so that dry ones could be changed into if ever heavy rains made them wet.

Medical supplies should also be put in the bags. The supplies could include medications for common illnesses that are experienced by people in evacuation centers such as headaches, stomachaches, and colds. Cotton, band aids, and alcohol are also needed in case wounds, burns, or cuts are caused to them by certain disasters.

They also need multi purpose tools that they can utilize to cut or fix something. They should also have maps with them so that they will know where they will go. The families should plan beforehand on where they will meet up in case these disasters separate them. All members should also know the contact details of important government agencies or persons.

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