Hormones And Weight Gain: A Simple Strategy For Hormonal Imbalance Treatment

  The weight loss over 40 complex is difficult to grasp when women try so hard to lose weight, yet they can't find any good ways to achieve their goals. To make matters worse, you're probably gaining weight around your hips and waist...
You've checked off all the things you need to lose weight like restrict your calories, eat better quality foods and get in some meaningful exercise.

  In the end, you have guilt about your fluctuating hormones and weight gain. This brings on a depression that only makes matters worse and you begin to do things that don't help the situation.

  One of the most basic things that is happening during peri-menopause is you might have to overcome several metabolic problems.

  The first issue is called metabolic syndrome. It's also known as Syndrome X or insulin resistance. While the problem can't be pinpointed to one thing specifically, it is well documented that obesity plays a significant role.

  The 2 key risk factors link to metabolic syndrome are:
  • An "apple-shaped" body (body weight is primarily in the upper half of the body)
  • Insulin resistance. This means you cannot utilize insulin properly to regulate blood sugar levels (leads to Type 2 Diabetes)
 The National Institutes For Health (NIH) recommends the following steps as it relates to hormones and weight gain:
  • Take steps to reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Start making lifestyle changes to reduce insulin resistance
  • Take the proper medicines to reduce your blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and blood sugar
  • Begin a weight loss program immediately weight (the best plan of action is to lose 5%-10% of your body weight by reducing your calorie intake by 500-1,000 calories per day)
  • Exercise 5-7 times per week for at least 30 minutes
  • Quit smoking
  • Take low-dose aspirin with you other medications for metabolic syndrome
 The second big issue deals with hypothyroidism. This hormone deficiency can be as high as 10% in women.
The most common hormonal imbalance symptoms seen with symptoms hypothyroidism include:
  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Cold intolerance
  • Voice change
  • Change in menses
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry skin
  You may have chuckled when I mentioned you need to give up 500-1,00 calories per day, right? I hear you; it's not easy.

  Empty calories are usually your biggest enemy, but there is some good new. Let's say, for example, you typically eat the following food items everyday (or something of similar caloric value):
  • 125 Calories for a Caffe Latte (12 ounces)
  • 320 Calories for a plain bagel
  • 160 Calories for a plain baked potato
 If these aren't the foods that keep you happy, you can probably come up with 2-4 other choices that can easily eliminate 500-1,000 calories from your daily calorie intake.

  During your peri-menopausal years, you can beat the imbalance of hormones and weight gain by giving up a couple of simple food items everyday so you can lose weight. You can win the battle against hormones and weight gain, but don't get discouraged and quit.

  A great way to find foods that are solutions for healthier choices is to go local. You can read more about this by visiting http://womenanddiets.com and receive your FREE copy of "Processed Food Labels Reveal Scary Truth".

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ray_Riechert